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Utility Connections

Realworks has introduced Utility Connections as part of the general tenancy agreement, helping property managers connect with utility providers offering electrical, water, and moving services, to then offer those services to tenants.

Once these steps have been completed, tenancy agreements sent out for signing will be followed with a page prompting tenants to accept or decline an offer of services from the provider connected with via Realworks.


If there are multiple tenants, the service will be offered and accepted only once, the remaining tenants will not be shown the offer.

📝 Steps for connecting to a utility provider:

  1. From the navigation menu of Realworks click the Connections menu option
  2. Look through the listed utility providers, find your preferred provider and click Connect
  3. In the dialog box, enter your details as prompted
  4. Realworks has successfully connected with the utility provider

For more help on how to connect to providers watch our instructional video here.